Last Loopin price: 0.66 USD
Current supply: 27,418,464.64 Loopin
MarketCap: 12,755,957.94 USD
Initial investment required in Loopin: 92.12 Loopin (61.22 USD)
Total gains for the first month: 135.4665 Loopin (90.03 USD)
Net gains for the first month (total gains - investment): 28.81 USD
Theoretical daily gain from the 30th day with maximum PoT and average PoW of 0.95: 11.1205 Loopin (7.39 USD)
Note: PoT starts at ~10% on the first day the rig is placed in the liquidity pool, then increases exponentially to reach 100% on the 30th day.
Theoretical daily gain expected for month number 2 and onwards: 11.1205 Loopin (7.39 USD)
Theoretical monthly gain expected for month number 2 and onwards: 333.6146 Loopin (221.73 USD)
Initial investment required in Loopin: 218.57 Loopin (145.26 USD)
Total gains for the first month: 321.4219 Loopin (213.62 USD)
Net gains for the first month (total gains - investment): 68.36 USD
Theoretical daily gain from the 30th day with maximum PoT and average PoW of 0.95: 26.3856 Loopin (17.54 USD)
Note: PoT starts at ~10% on the first day the rig is placed in the liquidity pool, then increases exponentially to reach 100% on the 30th day.
Theoretical daily gain expected for month number 2 and onwards: 26.3856 Loopin (17.54 USD)
Theoretical monthly gain expected for month number 2 and onwards: 791.5685 Loopin (526.09 USD)
Initial investment required in Loopin: 50.39 Loopin (33.49 USD)
Total gains for the first month: 73.6356 Loopin (48.94 USD)
Net gains for the first month (total gains - investment): 15.45 USD
Theoretical daily gain from the 30th day with maximum PoT and average PoW of 0.95: 6.0448 Loopin (4.02 USD)
Note: PoT starts at ~10% on the first day the rig is placed in the liquidity pool, then increases exponentially to reach 100% on the 30th day.
Theoretical daily gain expected for month number 2 and onwards: 6.0448 Loopin (4.02 USD)
Theoretical monthly gain expected for month number 2 and onwards: 181.3430 Loopin (120.52 USD)
Initial investment required in Loopin: 49.31 Loopin (32.77 USD)
Total gains for the first month: 72.5097 Loopin (48.19 USD)
Net gains for the first month (total gains - investment): 15.42 USD
Theoretical daily gain from the 30th day with maximum PoT and average PoW of 0.95: 5.9523 Loopin (3.96 USD)
Note: PoT starts at ~10% on the first day the rig is placed in the liquidity pool, then increases exponentially to reach 100% on the 30th day.
Theoretical daily gain expected for month number 2 and onwards: 5.9523 Loopin (3.96 USD)
Theoretical monthly gain expected for month number 2 and onwards: 178.5703 Loopin (118.68 USD)
Initial investment required in Loopin: 670.16 Loopin (445.40 USD)
Total gains for the first month: 985.5343 Loopin (655.00 USD)
Net gains for the first month (total gains - investment): 209.60 USD
Theoretical daily gain from the 30th day with maximum PoT and average PoW of 0.95: 80.9028 Loopin (53.77 USD)
Note: PoT starts at ~10% on the first day the rig is placed in the liquidity pool, then increases exponentially to reach 100% on the 30th day.
Theoretical daily gain expected for month number 2 and onwards: 80.9028 Loopin (53.77 USD)
Theoretical monthly gain expected for month number 2 and onwards: 2,427.0843 Loopin (1,613.08 USD)
Initial investment required in Loopin: 138.45 Loopin (92.02 USD)
Total gains for the first month: 203.6094 Loopin (135.32 USD)
Net gains for the first month (total gains - investment): 43.30 USD
Theoretical daily gain from the 30th day with maximum PoT and average PoW of 0.95: 16.7144 Loopin (11.11 USD)
Note: PoT starts at ~10% on the first day the rig is placed in the liquidity pool, then increases exponentially to reach 100% on the 30th day.
Theoretical daily gain expected for month number 2 and onwards: 16.7144 Loopin (11.11 USD)
Theoretical monthly gain expected for month number 2 and onwards: 501.4306 Loopin (333.26 USD)